Saturday, October 18, 2008


Well I hadn't gone to Goodwill for about a week. That is a long time for me! So today I couldn't take it any longer...I had to go. Man what a good day it was! I have scored many cool vintage items from vintage vinyl, Dansk enamelware, pyrex, to midcentury lamps, chairs, etc so I figured I would find the usual. But I happened to see a small case in the middle of Goodwill floor. I immediately went over to check it out. I clicked the case open and there was a beautiful baby blue Royal Portable Typewriter inside! Not only did it come in a prestine case, but it is in great condition with the original brochure and key - not to mention it works beautifully all for the bargin price of $9.99!!!

See my new find -

My Dearest Goodwill,

I love you.

Yours Truly,


Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Cats for Obama!

So I did it! I have made a kitty area for my dear cats. Because the election is right around the corner and we are a household of Democrats, I opted for that theme as of now...Cats for Obama!

It is the most ridiculous thing ever, but I love it!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Kitty Corner

While looking for inspiration through other blogs, I came across a great idea...a kitty corner! I know I sound cheesy and like a crazy cat lady, but I love the idea of a decorated kitty eating area!
p.s. I am a crazy cat lady;)

Imgage from of bill gentle and fanny bostrom's apt. of Kelly Niland's apt

There's a riot going on!

Don't miss Riot on the Sunset Strip Film Festival at the Red Vic Movie House :: Thurs 8/28 through Sun 8/31!!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Style Finder ::

Take the Style Finder Quiz at the MyDeco website and see what your style is. It is great because you are given a set of images that best describe the way you live your life, how you relax, colors and decor that appeals to you most. Once it is complete they recommend furniture and accessories that you might like. I took the quiz and they labeled my style as "Kitsch Chic." I kind of like that!
{ Kitsch Chic }
"You're a real magpie, always on the look-out for retro-style things that will add happiness and personality to your home. You love to mix old and new to create an interior design cocktail that's easy, fun and whimsical."
Take the quiz here...have fun!

My New Couch!

I received my couch and I am totally happy with it. I finally have an adult, modern looking couch. I have been diligently spraying the arms and sides with "Scratch Not," a chemical free spray that cats hate! The ingredients are water, lemon and eucalyptus oil , so I am ok with using it. So far so good. Well, Mimi (Persian) scratched it three times - all occurred the second, third day I got it - of course!
Anyways, it really looks great, however now I hate my rug! It looks like blah beige. I have tried to add color with the vintage yellow cart and my Goodwill crochet pillow, but I know it is not enough. I am going to purchase a cover for the cream pillow you see under the yellow crochet one. It is from the old couch and I have not had a chance to look for a neat COLORFUL cover.

Here are some other views of my den, so if you have any ideas on a rug....please let me know:) I really don't want to replace my curtains, as I just got them - they are a blue with chocolate brown and white embroidered stripes. I also don't want to paint the walls since I am in a rental and don't want to repaint.
(Ignore the empty frame - I am ordering art to go in it;)

So now onto another search- the perfect rug for my perfect couch:)

Thursday, August 7, 2008

DWR Warehouse Sale - SF

Don't forget to stop by the Design Within Reach Warehouse sale which is happening today through Sunday at Fort Mason.